Join the Hugo the Parrot project, uniting token design, NFTs, and parrot conservation in a community-driven effort.
Hugo the Parrot (Hugo) is a captivating Croatian language blog that follows the life of an expressive and endearing African Grey Parrot. The blog has garnered a dedicated and engaged following on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Demographics reveal that approximately 35% of the audience is under 35, a group likely interested in cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Although Hugo is primarily recognized in Croatia, a broader, untapped international audience is committed to preserving African Grey Parrots. As a result, this initiative will be a community-driven project, with followers and fans contributing to the token and NFT design.
Restack.AI, a blockchain technology firm based in Lviv, Ukraine, will serve as this project's technology and community development partner. Their role includes expanding the community, launching the Hugo the Parrot token, and orchestrating an NFT drop for token holders who meet specific criteria. Additionally, they will develop a mini-game for NFT holders.
The primary goal of the token launch is to raise funds for establishing the Hugo the Parrot Foundation, an organization dedicated to preserving African Grey Parrots.
Link Summary
Hugo the Parrot Home Page https://www.hugotheparrot.com/ Restack.AI company homepage https://restack.ai/
Alexander Grover, CEO & Co-Founder of Restack.AI
Company Information
Restack LLC in Ukraine (Org no. 44444416)
Alexander Grover alex@restack.ai
Last updated